BUT, the thing is, if this preoccupation is 'positive' then it's all well & good. The sad reality is that it is mostly the other side of politics. The one which ends with the four letter 'ing' kind. Yes, politic'king' - The bad-mouth'ing' kind. The finger-point'ing' kind. The poison pen letter'ing' kind. The mak'ing' own judgement kind. The incit'ing' hatred kind. The divid'ing' the people kind. The time-wast'ing' kind. The negative BLOGG'ING' kind - of 'politics'.
And what is the population of Malaysia? What is the Malay population? Are the billions of Chinese in China like that? Are the billions of Indians in India like that? - maybe. Why are we like that? Why must everything be channeled into this 'dirty political mindset'?
I don't have anything against serving politicians (if they say they serve), if they serve the people rightly, if they walk their talk. But the more I think about it the more I'm inclined to conclude that at the end of the day, politicians are but mere politicians, their no 1 interest is still to win in elections and to gain power. After that, the other agendas, their 'real' personal ones, will crop up.
Can they prove me wrong? ( Let me give a hint: We need real statesmen).
As for their proclaimed motto towards the betterment of the people and the nation, towards the 'reformasi' of governance, towards bringing forth an ultra 'God-fearing, God-loving' society, towards achieving 'real democracy', personally, I prefer to take them with a pinch of 'garam kasar' (course salt) first. For me, they are still just 'slogans'. Seeing .... is
.... still believing.
I haven't seen anything concrete yet, not even a concrete effort, despite having been given the opportunity for them to walk their talk. I am still seeing politic'king'... & & more politic'king'.

Why, one senior 'religious leader' of a particular political party even had the audacity to say, from what I read in the papers this morning (Unless he was misquoted): "The Malays, by right, did not need any political party as Islam was all encompassing".
"Assalamu'alaikum ustaz, datuk, excuse me," I'm inclined to ask him, "anda bukan Melayu ker? anda bukan Muslim? anda bukan ahli politik? anda bukan pemimpin parti politik? anda bukan bertanding dan memancing undi? bukan kah parti anda memakai nama 'Islam'?". Oh yes, he did use the word 'did', as if to justify his and his political party's 'do's' .
I have nothing personal against this servant of Allah of course. He's still my brother... even though he's a politician fishing for votes, no matter how seemingly 'gentle' his rhetorics are - BUT....like, who was it?..oh yes like that young fella Nabil the comedian says. ..lu pikir la sendiri! :)
In fact I now see the 'democrats' being accused of being 'autocrats' by the 'same camp' 'reformists' and the ultra 'God-fearing' not even sure about the significance, meaning and sanctity that the proper name of The Creator (Allah) carries. So, how to trust & believe them?
...so much for my morning babblings.
Let's hope today is a blessed day.
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