Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Why & What of 'Ater..??'

This blog of mine was originally called 'Justbabbling'. I've decided to change it to Ater..??. The reason for changing it?  Well, I recently did a google search to see if my blog can be easily accessed. Little did I know that there are so many blogs with the name 'Just Babbling'. So I decided to coin a new name.

How is Ater pronounced? It's the same as the English word utter, except that it has a different meaning. It's a loghat Melayu Perak (Perak Malay dialect) actually. Heheh. It just means >> So..?? and more often than not uttered in full like thus: Ater??.. which literally more or less means: So?... 

It's a genuine Perakian slang word which is not found anywhere else in the world - only in Perak. 



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